Filming locations for "The Many Saints of Newark"

The Sopranos location guide » Season 7 » 7x00 The Many Saints of Newark

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  1. Shot of a graveyard
  2. Dickie and Tony walk through Pier 49 to pick up Dickie's fatherGo to location "Pier 49"
    Pier 49
  3. Harold roughs up someone from the Black Saints
  4. Exterior shot of Harold's house
  5. Janice's confirmation party
  6. Giuseppina exits her class
  7. Exterior shot of Satriale'sGo to location "Satriale's (MSON)"
    Satriale's (MSON)
  8. The black kid runs down a set of stairs, and enters an army recruiting centerGo to location "Army recruitment center"
    Army recruitment center
  9. Dickie takes a cab
  10. Dickie drives through Newark and stops before a police station
  11. Harold exits Donny's bar
  12. Johnny and Junior get arrested at RidelandGo to location "Rideland (MSON)"
    Rideland (MSON)
  13. Janice and Tony are dropped off at home by the policeGo to location "Soprano residence (MSON)"
    Soprano residence (MSON)
  14. Several stores get looted
  15. Dickie talks to Giuseppina
  16. Riots in the Newark streets
  17. Dickie talks to his father
  18. Dickie drives through town
  19. Dickie is at Atta Boy
  20. Paulie steals a tv
  21. Funeral of Dick MoltisantiGo to location "Funeral home (MSON)"
    Funeral home (MSON)
  22. Court hearing for Johnny
  23. Dickie visits his uncle in jail (possibly a set?)
  24. Dickie shows Giuseppina a new house (possibly a set?)
  25. Tony is at school
  26. Junior is at Livia's house (possibly a set?)
  27. The gang hangs out at a restaurant (possibly a set?)
  28. Dickie is at the jail again
  29. Tony and Artie exit a bus at Holsten'sGo to location "Holsten's"
  30. Dickie and Tony are at Dickie's house
  31. Johnny and Junior drive through town
  32. Johnny arrives at home (possibly a set?)
  33. Harold is at a gathering at Central Unity Tabernacle
  34. Dickie stops by HaroldGo to location "Harold's car shop"
    Harold's car shop
  35. Giuseppina checks out a beauty parlor
  36. Dickie and Giuseppina are at home (possibly a set?)
  37. Tony, Artie, and Jackie steal an icecream truck
  38. The icecream truck stops at a playground
  39. Johnny, Dickie, and their wives drive a car at night
  40. A nurse enters her numbers at Julius's Candy Store
  41. Dickie is at the jail again
  42. Short scene of Dickie coaching the blind kidsGo to location "Baseball field (MSON)"
    Baseball field (MSON)
  43. Harold gets attacked
  44. Tony plays with his dog
  45. Tony and Livia have a talk with the guidance counselor
  46. The gang gets attacked outside a clubGo to location "Club Silhouette (exterior)"
    Club Silhouette (exterior)
  47. Yet another funeral
  48. Johnny and Tony talk to Dickie
  49. Harold is at an equestrian center
  50. Dickie and Giuseppina drive down the coast
  51. Dickie and Giuseppina stop at BahrsGo to location "Bahrs Landing"
    Bahrs Landing
  52. Dickie and Giuseppina walk down a beach
  53. At the jail again
  54. Harold is spottedGo to location "Motel (MSON)"
    Motel (MSON)
  55. Tony makes a phone call to DickieGo to location "Westcott Ave phone booth"
    Westcott Ave phone booth
  56. Tony drops by Vulcan
  57. Tony gets rid of his new speakers
  58. Dickie leaves Vulcan
  59. Dickie gets home
  60. Junior takes a call at a phone booth
  61. Tony waits for Dickie at Holsten'sGo to location "Holsten's"
  62. Funeral for DickieGo to location "Funeral home (MSON)"
    Funeral home (MSON)
  63. Harold moves into a new house