Filming locations for "Made in America"

The Sopranos location guide » Season 6 » 6x21 Made in America

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  1. Tony waits for agent Harris near an airport.Go to location "Parking lot near an airport"
    Parking lot near an airport
  2. Tony drives near the beach and arrive at the beach safehouse.Go to location "Beach safehouse"
    Beach safehouse
  3. Everyone eats at the Vesuvio.Go to location "Nuovo Vesuvio"
    Nuovo Vesuvio
  4. A tour bus drives through Little Italy.Go to location "Little Italy street towards Chinatown"
    Little Italy street towards Chinatown
  5. Butch gets a phone call from Phil and walks through Little Italy.Go to location "Little Italy street towards Chinatown"
    Little Italy street towards Chinatown
  6. Phil on the phone with Butch. Alternates with previous shot.
  7. Tony visits Janice at her house.Go to location "Johnny Sack's house"
    Johnny Sack's house
  8. Two of Tony's men stake out at a gas station.Go to location "Gulf gas station"
    Gulf gas station
  9. AJ and his girlfriend fool around in the woods.Go to location "Dam in a forest"
    Dam in a forest
  10. A cop or FBI agent listens to a wire tap.
  11. Tony and Paulie meet some of the NY guys at an unknown location.
  12. The Sopranos return home safely.Go to location "Soprano house"
    Soprano house
  13. Paulie drives past a Super Value gas station.Go to location "Super Value gas station"
    Super Value gas station
  14. Janice visits Junior.Go to location "Wycoff Center (6x21)"
    Wycoff Center (6x21)
  15. Paulie enters the empty Bing by himself.Go to location "The Bada Bing"
    The Bada Bing
  16. Little Paulie impersonates a cop at a Gas Depot gas station.Go to location "Gas Depot gas station"
    Gas Depot gas station
  17. Tony sees AJ running while in the car.Go to location "Cliff road"
    Cliff road
  18. Tony has dinner with Meadow.
  19. Phil pumps gas at a Raceway gas station.Go to location "Raceway gas station"
    Raceway gas station
  20. Tony visits Sil in the hospital.
  21. Tony and Paulie talk in front of Satriale's.Go to location "Satriale's"
  22. AJ exits his new job.Go to location "Lone Wolves Productions"
    Lone Wolves Productions
  23. AJ picks up his girlfriend.Go to location "Montclair High School"
    Montclair High School
  24. Tony works in the garden.Go to location "Soprano house"
    Soprano house
  25. Tony visits Junior.Go to location "Wycoff Center (6x21)"
    Wycoff Center (6x21)
  26. Tony enters Holsten's, followed by Carmela and AJ.
    Meadow is seen parking her car outside.
    These two shots alternate frequently.Go to location "Holsten's"
  27. The final shot: 10 seconds of a black screen.

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